I finally passed the SF Lightning Component Framework Specialist Superbadge. This is a nice small project to check most important lightning knowledge.
To get this super badge, you need familiar with
- Common Lightning components
- <ui:scrollerWrapper>
- <aura:iteration>
- <lightning:formattedDateTime>
- <lightning:card>
- <lightning:layoutItem>
- <lightning:layout>
- <aura:if>
- <lightning:tabset>, <lightning:tab>
- <lightning:button>, <lightning:formattedDateTime>, <lightning:select>
- Lightning Data Servcie: <force:recordData>
- Lightning Events: application event and component event
- Some global predefined event:
- init
- attribute change
- createRecord
- Component interface: public attribute, component method
- Lightning design system
- lightning Apex controller
- some basic JS knowledge
I totally spent about 20 hours to finish this project. When implementing this project, pay attention to the component/event/method/attribute name and UI element id. I believe in verifying challenges, SF use code scan to make sure all required functions are implemented correctly. Google is a good resource. A lot of people are discussing their issues in StackExchange and sf community. Several times, in verifying challenges, my project works well but cannot pass the challenge. The experience from others save me a lot of time.